Prevention from Fever

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Hyperthermia, pyrexia or elevated temperature is also known as fever. When body temperature is higher than 37 degrees Celsius, the person may have a fever already. A short-term increase in body temperature can help your body fight off illness. It generally goes away within a few days. There are medicines that can aid fever, but occasionally it’s better left untreated. Fever may help you fight off infection.

What are the signs and symptoms of fever?

Fever may be caused by viruses and bacteria among adults. Germs also may be the root diarrhea, vomiting, or a distressed stomach. Symptoms of fever may include runny nosesore throatcoughhoarseness, and aching of muscles. Loss of appetite, dehydration and shivering are also included. These viral infections will be improved just with time.

Treatment may vary depending on the age of the person

For 0 to 3 months old, if temperature is above normal, call the doctor right away even if you doesn’t find any signs and symptoms on the child. For 3 to 6 months old, let the child take a rest and drink plenty of water. Call the doctor if your child seems unusually irritable or uncomfortable.  For 6 to 24 months old, you may give the child acetaminophen (Tylenol, others). If the child is 6 months older, you may give ibuprofen. Read the label of each medicine carefully for proper dosage. Aspirin is not recommended for infants or toddlers. Always call the doctor if the fever doesn’t react to the medication.

For 2 to 17 years old, if temperature reaches 38.9 C, encourage them to take rest and drink plenty of fluids. If the temperature is above 38.9 C and the child seems so uncomfortable, give them acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Always read carefully labels for giving proper dosage of medicine.

For 18 years and above, if temperature reaches 38.9 C and escorted by a serious headache, stiff neck, rapidity of breath or other unusual signs and symptoms call the doctor immediately. If the temperature is above 38.9 C, give them acetaminophen, ibuprofen or aspirin. If symptoms still persist, immediately see your doctor for prescription of medicines.

prevention from fever
When body temperature is higher than 37 degrees Celsius, the person may have a fever already.


Prevention is better than cure. You can prevent infectious bacteria that may lead to fever. Here are some tips on how to prevent fever

  • Proper washing of hands with soap and completely rinse them under running water especially before eating, after using the toilet , and during travel on public. Teach children to do the same..
  • Carry hand sanitizer with you when you don’t have access to soap and water.
  • Protect your mouth when you cough and your nose while you sneeze,and explain to your children to do likewise. If possible, don’t cough directly to the person or sneeze to avoid passing germs to them.
  • Prevent sharing cups, water jugs and utensils.


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