
Fact Checked

Sneezing is usually a response to an allergic nasal irritant. Don’t feel dopey and try not to be grumpy if you achoo on cue. You’re just sneezy, so there’s nothing to be bashful about. Without dwarfing the size of the problem, you should be happy to know that within limits, you can be your own doc in stopping those noisy nose fits.

Although some people try to stifle their sneezes, the best response is to go with the blow. It may be socially acceptable to stifle a sneeze, but it’s potentially extraordinarily dangerous.

The peril is in the Eustachian tubes, which connect nasal passages to the middle ear, regulating air pressure on both sides of your eardrums. If you suppress a sneeze, mucus from your throat and nose could be a thrust into the middle ear or sinuses.

Although some people try to stifle their sneezes, the best response is to go with the blow.

Since the mucus is nonsterile, it is very possible to create a sinus infection from sneezing improperly. You can potentially precipitate a middle ear infection as well. If snuffed-out sneeze is forceful enough, the backed up pressure may rupture eardrum.


Best Way to Blow your Nose

As for the best way to blow your nose: Close one nostril and blow gently through the other into a tissue. Force out air and mucus in several puffs, not one all-or-nothing blow. Alternate nostrils until your nose, at least for the time being, are clear.

Prevent allergic materials in the house

Don’t expect miracles right away, it could take six months to significantly reduce allergic materials in the house. Start with patience and add the following actions;

  • Muffle your Mattress. Sheathe mattresses and box springs in an airtight, noncotton cover, then wash the sheets regularly in water at least 130 °F. This temperature is enough to kill the microscopic monsters that cause so many sneezes.
  • Down with Down. Choose a washable, hypoallergenic polyester pillow. Wash it every few weeks, again in water hot enough to kill any mites that might pervade the polyester.
  • Don’t get your Pet’s Dander up. People who have allergic reactions to dogs or cats are usually reacting to dander, the small flakes and scales of the animal’s skin.
  • Be Pro-Antihistamine. Topical nasal sprays containing cortisone are the most effective medicine for reining in sneezing fits and allergies.
  • Let the Grass Grow. If plants send your sneeze control haywire, limit your time outside and keep the windows closed when the grass flies.

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