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Chafing is a skin irritation that happens with constant rubbing of the skin against another skin or clothing. Chafing causes red sore patches on the affected areas usually in the underarm and the inner thighs that will cause pain and makes regular activities tiresome and causes pain.

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Sweating and rubbing are usually the cause of chafing and overweight people are prone to skin chafing. It is common in men and women and performing any activities that causes prolonged friction between two surfaces of skin such as in the inner thighs.


  • Inflammation and swelling
  • Stinging and burning sensation
  • Excessive irritation
  • Itching
  • The affected area becomes sore and severely tender


It is common in men and women and performing any activities that causes prolonged friction between two surfaces of skin such as in the inner thighs.
  • Chafing can be caused by obesity where the buildup of fats causes development of folds in the skin due to constant friction with skin rubbing with each other.
  • Performing certain exercises that need the body to move into a position where the skin will rub with skin or clothing.
  • Excessive sweating can cause inflammation and rashes that are prone to chafing.
  • Wearing tight hugging clothes and wet clothing that clings to skin causes friction during movement.
  • The material that the clothing is made of can sometimes result to chafing such as synthetic clothing that more likely to cause chafing.


  • Clean the affected areas using a mild cleanser and rinse with water. Pat it dry using a clean towel in order to wash off perspiration before treating the skin. Avoid rubbing the skin hard using a towel in order to prevent the condition worse from getting worse.
  • Sprinkle powder over the affected skin in order to help lessen friction on the skin. Talc-free baby powder, baking soda and cornstarch can be used for the condition.
  • Apply any kind of ointment such as petroleum jelly, diaper rash cream, body balm and some products that are used in preventing chafing in order to help minimize friction on the skin. Cover the area using bandage or a sterile gauze pad. If the area is bleeding and painful, seek medical help immediately.
  • Apply an ice pack on the affected area. Wrap the ice pack in a towel of cloth and hold in place for at least 20 minutes. The cooling sensation provides relief from the symptoms.
  • Make a mixture by mixing 2 cups of baking soda and 10 drops of lavender essential oil. Mix well and add this mixture in a lukewarm water bath. Soak in the mixture for at least 20 minutes and pat the skin dry using a clean towel, avoid soaking in very hot water in order to prevent making the condition worse.
  • Drink plenty of water especially when performing exercises in order to help the body sweat easier and helps prevents formation of salt crystals which can cause friction and result to chafing.
  • Try to lose some weight.

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