How to deal with dry skin

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Dryness of skin is a common dermatological problem experienced by most people. Sometimes, dryness of skin can last only for a short period of time. Dry skin is common when a person ages as well as those living in dry climates and taking a bath several times every day.

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Women following a skincare routine at least once every day are less prone to get dry skin. Arms and the lower legs are most prone to become dry and sometimes also occur in the face. Dryness of the skin can be a condition or it can be a symptom of some underlying condition such as eczema or atopic dermatitis, cellulitis and folliculitis. Excessive dryness of the skin can cause deep cracks, fissures that bleed and can become infected.

Common symptoms of dry skin

Dry skin
Flaking, peeling and scaling of the skin such as patches or on a wide area of the skin.
  • Flaking, peeling and scaling of the skin such as patches or on a wide area of the skin.
  • A severe itchiness of the affected area
  • A stinging or tight sensation that can be felt on the skin which becomes worse after swimming or shower.
  • Development of deep cracks, wrinkles and fine lines on the skin
  • White lines or patches that develops on the skin usually after scratching
  • Development of deep fissures that bleeds
  • Occurrence of redness or rash on the skin.

Severe symptoms of dry skin

  • Severe scratching that can cause open sores or infections
  • A larger areas of flaking and peeling
  • Sleeping is disturbed due to severe itching and dryness
  • Severe redness of skin caused by dry skin

Common causes of dry skin

  • Taking showers several times in a day using hot water.
  • The skin becomes dry during winter season, people living in hot climates and levels of humidity are low.
  • Overexposure of skin to sunlight
  • Using artificial heating and cooling devices such as heaters and air conditioners which reduces the humidity levels in the surrounding area.
  • A skin condition where there is an accumulation of dead skin cells that are dry and thick which is known as psoriasis.

Treatment and home remedies of dry skin

  • Limit the time being spent while taking a bath and lessen the temperature of the bath water since these factors eliminates the natural oil from the skin. Just spend at least 15 minutes taking a bath and use lukewarm to warm water.
  • Apply generous amounts of skin moisturizer in order to keep water from leaving the skin. You can utilize petroleum jelly since it also helps with dry skin. Apply moisturizer on the skin after taking a shower while the skin is still moist. If using cosmetics, use those that contain moisturizers.
  • Avoid rubbing the skin vigorously after taking a bath since it will damage the skin and dry it up. Simply pat the skin gently using a soft towel in order to keep moisture in the skin.
  • Wear clothing that is made of cotton and silk since it helps the skin breathe and also good for the health of the skin. Avoid using polyester and wool clothing since they can irritate the skin and cause dryness and itching.
  • Consume foods rich in Vitamin C such as oranges, lemons, papaya, kiwi and grapefruit since they help add moisture to the body.

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