Thigh cramps

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Thigh cramp is painful experience that is due to dehydration, stiff muscles and lack of minerals and vitamins in the body. Pain can be felt when performing exercises and also happen when sleeping. When the body is dehydrated, there is plenty of water and salt lost in the form of sweat and result to severe pain. When the body lacks the necessary minerals and vitamins that are needed such as potassium, magnesium and calcium, the body is not capable to regulate the activities in the nerves and muscles.

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A thigh muscle is cramping if there is severe pain while sleeping or performing exercises. The affected muscles feel warm when touched, strained and stiff. The pain is minimized after stretching, application of a warm compress and massage.


Thigh cramps
Apply a warm compress on the muscle cramp to help in relaxing the contraction of the muscles and lessen pain.
  • Massage the affected area to help with proper circulation of blood to the tissues and muscles. Combining stretching and massage can help lessen the pain of muscle cramping and also provides a relaxing effect. Press the area gently using your hands and if there is no pain, apply more pressure. Another option is using a foam roller to massage the thighs. Roll the circular pieces of foam on the affected muscle by applying pressure.
  • Apply a warm compress on the muscle cramp to help in relaxing the contraction of the muscles and lessen pain as well as minimize the tight muscles. Take a warm shower or bath to help relax the body and minimize pain due the thigh cramp. The heat from the water helps in the proper circulation of blood in the affected area. Another way is using Epsom salt mix in the warm bath since it also helps lessen the cramps. In addition, fill a hot water bottle or a heating pad and place on the affected area of the thigh to lessen the pain.
  • Apply over-the-counter heat rubs to help lessen the thigh cramps and relax the affected area.
  • Increase the levels of nutrients in the diet like potassium and calcium. Eat bananas and oranges for potassium as well as brown rice, avocados and almonds for magnesium. Calcium can be found in milk, yogurt and other dairy products and spinach. Take a multi-mineral supplement every day as well.
  • Avoid being dehydrated by drinking plenty of water every day in order to help minimize the thigh cramps. Sports drink or juices together helps with the condition.
  • Sleeps on one side of the body with the knees slightly bent to help minimize the muscle cramps.
  • Take the prescribed pain medications or muscle relaxants to help lessen the tightness and cramping of the muscles.


  • Seek medical help immediately for recurring cramps since frequent cramping can be a symptom of an injury, deficiency in nutrients or dehydration.
  • If the thigh cramps occur during or after a workout, perform stretching and sit for a while and massage the affected area.

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