Ringworm on the stomach

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Ringworm infection is an infection of skin caused by a fungus that spreads along the outer layer of the skin and usually found around the skin of the stomach and the lower part of the abdomen, between the thighs, under the armpits and in the area of the groin. Sometimes, ringworm infection can also happen in the folds of skin around the neck and behind the ears.

[youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GtrsnKoNIw”]

Ringworm usually flourishes in moist and warm areas. People have a high risk of getting infected by fungus in humid environments such as swimming pools, locker rooms, and gyms.

Causes of ringworm

  • Ringworm is caused by the fungus called tinea corporis which can spread from one person to another by direct contact or indirect contact such as using contaminated clothing, towels and other personal belongings of an infected individual.
  • Can be caused by microsporum canis which comes from domestic pets such as cats and dogs
  • Accidental spreading of the fungal infection that affects other parts of the body and spreads to the stomach such as athlete’s foot and jock itch.
  • Fungal infection can also be linked to heredity.
There is severe itching and redness on the affected area.

Symptoms of ringworm on the stomach

  • There is severe itching and redness on the affected area.
  • Sometimes, there is cracking, peeling and scaling of the skin and blisters that develop on the area.
  • A ring-like appearance with elevated margins and a flat depression in the center and eventually the ring becomes large and the diameter also increases in size.
  • The appearance of ringworm can be mistaken for psoriasis and eczema but ringworm can spread rapidly to other parts of the body through direct contact with other people.

Treatment and home remedies of ringworm on the stomach

  • Maintain proper hygiene and avoid sharing of personal belongings of an infected person such as towels, clothes, and other personal equipment in order to minimize the spread of the infection.
  • Wash regularly the affected area using warm water and soap since it helps in preventing the spread of infection to other parts of the body.
  • Apply turmeric paste on the affected area. Turmeric has anti-microbial properties that helps in eliminating fungi and minimize the spread to other parts of the body. Apply the paste at least three times every day for two weeks until the symptoms will completely disappear. Ringworm is highly infectious and can recur again if not treated properly.
  • If ringworm is caused by athlete’s foot, apply undiluted tea tree oil on the affected area to help minimize severe stinging sensations.
  • Avoid wearing clothes that are too tight, especially around the stomach since it can increase friction and cause fast spread of the fungal infection to other areas of the stomach.
  • Wash the clothes thoroughly before wearing them in order to avoid other re-infection.
  • Take the prescribed medications such as sepia, sulphur and bacilinum.

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