The Four Main Objectives of First Aid

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One of the most common misconceptions about first aid is that the main and only goal of this procedure is to save lives. This is why many rescuers, especially those who are performing CPR and other first aid techniques for the first time end up doing more harm than good. They forget that the survivability of the injured is just as important as ensuring the quality of life that the injured is going to experience after the rescue. However, there is a way to avoid compromising the quality of life of the patient or the injured during the procedure. This is to remember the other goals or objectives of first aid. Here are the three objectives or goals of first aid that all rescuers should remember.

Promote recovery

In a study that was published by the Cardiovascular Engineering, 83 CPR-trained personnel were asked to perform chest compression on a bathroom scale to measure the pressure that they were exerting on each pump. They were asked to apply as much pressure as they normally would to a patient who needs CPR. It was determined that 60% of the personnel applied more than 125 pounds of force. According to the American Heart Association, rescuers should only apply 100-125 pounds of force on a patient since pumping more than 125 pounds of force can lead to rib fractures. Rib fractures can lead to punctured organs which can prevent faster and holistic recovery.

St Mark James 1st Aid and CPR Training
St Mark James 1st Aid and CPR Training

Do not make the condition worse

By simply remembering this objective, rescuers can avoid fatal mistakes that can worsen the medical condition of the patient that they are treating. The perfect example that emphasizes this objective is the administration of first aid to car accident victims. Car accident victims most likely suffer from broken bones due to the impact. Hence, it would be unwise to make them move their body if they are conscious or to move them in any way if they are unconscious since it can worsen the bone breakage. Hence, rescuers would know that avoiding stressful or forceful movement should be avoided.

Carry the injured safely to a capable healthcare facility

Safe transportation of the injured is also the responsibility of rescuers. Aside from saving the life of the injured, it can also ensure that a high quality of life can be obtained for the patient.

Accredited first aid training programs apply all of these objectives on their courses to ensure that they are well-understood by student. This is why choosing the right first aid program to sign up for is an important task.

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