How to treat keratosis pilaris

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Keratosis pilaris is a skin condition that causes rough patches and small, acne-like bumps that forms in the arms, thighs, cheeks and buttocks. The colors of the bumps are white, sometimes red and do not cause pain or itchiness. If you want to learn measures in managing this condition, read here.

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Symptoms of keratosis pilaris

Symptoms can happen at any age, but young children are more susceptible with the following symptoms:

Keratosis pilaris
Dry, rough and itchy skin in the affected areas with bumps
  • Dry, rough and itchy skin in the affected areas with bumps
  • Small or red bumps that forms in the upper arms, legs, buttocks or cheeks
  • It gets worse during winter but when the humidity is low, the skin becomes dry

Causes of keratosis pilaris

Keratosis pilaris is caused by the build-up of keratin which is a hard protein that functions in protecting the skin from harmful substances and infections. It forms a scaly plug that cause blockage of the opening of the hair follicle. When there are plenty of plugs that forms, it will cause patches of rough bumpy skin.

Treatment and home remedies

  • Do not scrub or rub the skin during and after taking a bath or showering since it will make the keratosis pilaris even worse. Just use a puff or a washcloth to clean the skin and pat it dry with a towel after showering.
  • Use mild soap and warm water in washing the affected area at least twice a day. Take a bath or shower using moderate to lukewarm water or the coolest water in order to relieve itching and inflammation.
  • Apply a moisturizing lotion that contains lactic acid or salicylic acid to the clean area in order to moisturize the skin and remove excess keratin found in the surface of the skin.
  • Apply over-the-counter or prescribed treatment for acne like tretinoin to the affected areas every night.
  • Install a humidifier inside the house during winter season in order to prevent skin from dryness.

Other treatment options

  • Using milk when taking a bath or milk bath products since milk baths helps soften the skin and helps in minimizing the bumps.
  • Take fatty acids supplements helpful for people suffering from keratosis pilaris.

Prevention of keratosis pilaris

  • Apply thick moisturizers on the skin.
  • Use warm water in taking a bath and limit the bath for only 10 minutes or less. Long showers and baths will remove the oil from the skin.
  • Use soaps with added oils and fats and avoid using harsh deodorants. The skin should feel soft and smooth and it is not tight or dry.
  • After taking a bath or shower, just pat or blot the skin dry using a towel so that some moisture will still remain in the skin and then apply a moisturizer to the skin.
  • Install a portable humidifier in the house to add moisture and make sure the humidifier is clean and free from bacteria and fungi.

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