How to manage phlegm

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Phlegm is a dense, sticky and slippery substance that is generated by the throat, bronchial passages and the lungs. Phlegm is also known as sputum which contains mucus and sometimes other substances such as dead cells, pus, foreign particles and also dust. There is production of phlegm unless there is a cough caused by respiratory infection such as pneumonia as well as other conditions in which there excessive amounts of phlegm is produced such as asthma.

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Phlegm can be thick, foamy and clear, yellow or green in color and it can also contain small amounts of blood or it can also be pinkish in color. Sometimes, there is difficulty in clearing the breathing passageways by coughing because of dense phlegm.

Unusual phlegm symptoms can be instigated by mild to severe health conditions such as infections, inflammation, malignancy, trauma, allergy, airway obstructions and medications. Phlegm can be caused by exposure to smoke, eating certain foods such as dairy products and taking some medications. If there is coughing and producing plenty of phlegm or the phlegm is unusual, recurrent, and persistent, seek medical care immediately. Phlegm can be caused by allergies or colds and results to stuffy nose or an annoying cough, thus it is important to treat the phlegm right away. You can register for first aid training today so help ease accompanying symptoms.

Phlegm can be caused by allergies or colds and results to stuffy nose or an annoying cough, thus it is important to treat the phlegm right away.

Treatment and home remedies for phlegm

  • Mix a pinch of white pepper to a teaspoon of raw honey. Take this at least twice a day for 5 days in order to dry up the phlegm and minimize cough.
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with equal amounts of grape juice and consume this at least three times a day for 5 days. The grape juice is also an expectorant to help eliminate phlegm.
  • Make a juice out of onion and lemon together and mix it with a cup of boiling water, then add raw honey to taste and allow the mixture to cool to room temperature. Prepare this drink three times a day for 2-3 days since it helps in eliminating phlegm.
  • Boil a handful of mint leaves and eucalyptus leaves together in water. Once the water reaches boiling, remove the leaves from the water, and lean over it with a towel draped over the head and inhale the vapors from the water. The vapors will help open up the sinuses and dry up the mucus.
  • Cut a lemon into half. Sprinkle the other half with salt and black pepper. Suck on this half of the lemon and it will help dry up mucus and minimize the severity of the cough.

Some tips and warning

  • Use home remedies in treating the first symptom of phlegm, the earlier the phlegm is treated, the better chance of success in getting rid of it.
  • If the treatment for phlegm is more than five days and there is no improvement, seek medical help immediately.
  • If the phlegm starts to settle in the chest and there is wheezing or coughing up green or bloody phlegm, it can indicate upper respiratory infections and there is a need to seek medical help immediately.

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