Lichen planus in the mouth

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Oral lichen planus is a condition that causes inflammation and a purple-tinged discoloration found on the tongue, gums and cheeks. It can also affect the skin around the genitals and in the fingernails. It appears as an open ulcer and can be caused by stress or medications. Even though it is considered as a chronic condition, it is not infectious. The most common symptoms include roughness in the lining of the mouth cavity and sensitivity to certain foods such as spicy food and the tongue will have red or white patches as well as ulcerations.

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Causes of lichen planus in mouth

  • Vaccines for hepatitis and flu can cause development of lichen lesions in the mouth.
  • Diseases of the liver such as hepatitis C.
  • Allergies, dental implants or dental filing that has mercury can cause lichen planus in the mouth.
  • Chewing of tobacco and poor oral hygiene
  • Taking medicines such as ibuprofen and naproxen causes oral lichen planus in mouth
  • Psychogenic stress
Lichen planus
There is burning pain and discomfort felt in the mouth especially if the lesion is inflamed, red and an open ulcer, but if the patch is white, there is no pain if it develops under or on the tongue.

Symptoms of lichen planus in mouth

  • The lesions appears as white raised patches or white streaks that are found inside the mouth, on the tongue, in the gums and cheeks, oftentimes it can develop in the throat or in the esophagus.
  • There is burning pain and discomfort felt in the mouth especially if the lesion is inflamed, red and an open ulcer, but if the patch is white, there is no pain if it develops under or on the tongue.
  • A continuous metallic taste in the mouth when there is a lesion on the surface of the tongue and there is severe burning sensation that can be felt when eating hot and spicy foods.
  • If the lesion developed on the throat and esophagus, it will cause difficulty in swallowing.
  • If a lesion or dead white spots developed in the gums, it will cause irritation and bleeding when brushing.

Treatment and home remedies of lichen planus in mouth

  • Apply a prescribed topical corticosteroid but should be applied for a short interval since it has a high risk of developing oral thrush and other disorders.
  • Other topical creams such as retinoid and nonsteroidal ointments can also be applied. The affected person should stop taking other drugs if it is the cause of the lesion.
  • Avoid being stressed
  • Perform yoga and meditation to help minimize stress.
  • Maintain good oral hygiene. Avoid spicy and acidic foods which will worsen the condition.
  • Gargle with a mixture of red raspberry leaf tea that is mixed with bayberry. Prepare the tea as a regular tea and gargle the mixture for about 30 seconds, then spit and repeat again.
  • Gargle colloidal silver as a mouthwash since it also helps in boosting the immune system of the body and relieving inflammation and infections.
  • Rinse the mouth using a mouthwash by mixing 1 teaspoon salt with 1 quart of water in order to provide relief to the discomfort caused by the rash.

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