Dislocated toe

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The toes which are the small parts of the foot can be sprained or dislocated. A toe is dislocated when it is out of its normal joint space and this typically occurs when the ligaments that holds the joints of the toe is torn. There is pain and swelling of the affected toe after the dislocation and there is a misalignment of the bone.

[youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36gKKbHB-SY”]

The toe bone is dislocated by a strong blow or direct impact. In some cases, a sprained toe can sometimes be dislocated. Individuals who play sports such as rugby, football and hockey are prone to end up with a dislocated toe. Rapid alignment of a dislocated joint of the toe helps the toe joint to reset easily and it takes about 6 weeks for the tear in the ligament to properly heal.

Symptoms of a dislocated toe

Intense pain when the individual attempts to move the affected toe and pain become worse even with the slightest pressure on the toe.
  • Intense pain when the individual attempts to move the affected toe and pain become worse even with the slightest pressure on the toe.
  • The dislocated toe is stiff and hard and becomes pale and cool when the blood vessels are damaged.
  • The dislocated toe is swollen with bruising and there is difficulty in walking.
  • There is a visible deformity on the toe.
  • There is numbness if the nerves are damaged.

Treatment and home remedies for a dislocated toe

  • If the toe becomes crooked or out of place, gently pull the toe away from the foot and straighten out the damaged toe and restore it back to the normal alignment. This technique is agonizing and should be done right away in order to reduce damage to the ligament and bone.
  • Once the toe becomes straight and has snapped back to its normal position, tape it or tie a thin fabric gently with the adjacent toe. The adjacent toes help in supporting the injured toe. Just remember not to tape too tightly since it can disrupt with the circulation of blood in the area.
  • The next step is to rest the affected area. The individual should avoid walking or putting excess pressure on the foot.
  • Apply an ice pack before and after the dislocation for a few minutes since this helps in minimizing the swelling and bruising. The ice compress helps lessen the pain. Make sure that you will place the ice cubes in a clean towel or cloth and mildly brush over the affected toe at least 10 minutes with 2-3 hours interval.
  • Apply a compression bandage since it helps in minimizing the swelling and pain. Make sure that the wrapping is not too tight since it can disrupt the circulation of blood in the area.
  • While taking a rest, keep the foot in an elevated position in order to help minimize the swelling.

In case six hours have passed and any attempt in treating the dislocated toe has failed, it is vital to seek medical attention immediately.

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