Treatment for eczema around the eyes

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Eczema that happens around the eyes is called atopic dermatitis which is usually common in babies and small children, but it can also happen to anyone regardless of the age.

Eczema around the eyes can be a serious condition since the skin around the eyes is thin and more fragile than the skin on other parts of the body. A severe case can cause the eyelids to swell and there is a high risk that the vision will be affected.

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What are the possible causes of eczema?

  • Dysfunction or weakening of the immune system
  • Environmental factors such as the weather, wind, sun and low humidity
  • Using cosmetics, detergents, soaps and other products
  • Allergies or sensitivity to certain foods
  • Emotional problems as well as stress and anxiety can cause outbreaks of eczema. These can be avoided with the help of relaxation techniques.
  • Eczema can be hereditary especially those who have a family history of eczema or asthma.


Apply a cold compress around the eyes to numb the nerve endings to lessen the itching sensations and the urge to scratch as well as help soothe the skin.
  • Apply a cold compress around the eyes to numb the nerve endings to lessen the itching sensations and the urge to scratch as well as help soothe the skin. It also helps eliminate dead skin for smoother appearance of the skin and promote healing of the condition. In a bowl fillled with cold water, mix in bath oil and a few ice cubes can also be added to the water. Soak a clean wash cloth in the water and place it over the affected eyes for at least 5 minutes. Pat it dry.
  • Apply cream that is free from fragrances and avoid getting it into the eyes during application.
  • Apply moisturizers as often as possible to prevent dryness of the skin. Apply moisturizers after taking a shower or washing the face. Moisturizers can make the skin soft and prevent any flare ups.
  • Use the prescribed corticosteroid cream for the eye. Treatment is difficult when eczema is on or near the eyes because the skin is thin in these areas and prolonged use of this medication is undesirable.
  • Avoid scratching the affected area to prevent the condition from worsening.
  • Wear gloves and trim fingernails regularly to prevent scratching of the area when sleeping.
  • Take over-the-counter antihistamines to lessen the symptoms of atopic dermatitis and provide relief to the itchiness. If there is difficulty sleeping due to the itchiness, an antihistamine can be used which causes drowsiness to improve sleep.
  • Use lukewarm water when taking a bath and washing the face. When washing the face, use soap with high-fat content and unscented. Avoid antibacterial and soap with alpha-hydroxy acid since they can cause dryness and remove moisture from the skin.

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