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Miscarriage refers to the loss of the baby/fetus during the first 24 weeks of pregnancy. Many cases report that women are not even aware of their pregnancy and go through a heavy and a late menstrual period. The exact cause of miscarriage is not known yet.

If a woman is aware that she is pregnant and later experiences a miscarriage, she may feel emotionally distressed and concerned. It is important that a female first aider is sought to support the woman who has gone through miscarriagethe miscarriage to treat her and provide emotional support.

Signs and symptoms of miscarriage

  • Sudden and heavy bleeding after a few light spots for a few days
  • Shock may result from excessive blood loss
  • The woman may experience pain similar to menstrual cramps in her lower back
  • The woman will pass out the fetus along with other substances with the discharge—the fetus may look like a dense blood clot

Although these signs and symptoms may take place in majority of the women, some may not experience severe pain or bleeding for the first few days. Due to this reason, many women are unaware of their pregnancy as it takes place in the first few weeks and only realize they have been pregnant, through miscarriage.


Women experiencing unusual and sudden bleeding without a known cause should seek prompt medical attention or receive advice from their midwife about what should be done. If a woman is miscarrying, follow these steps:

  • The woman might feel scared and distressed, therefore, listen to what she wants and reassure her. Ensure that she is comfortable and allow her to lie down, in a semi-sitting posture, with the knees propped up. Support her and tell her that her privacy is not being invaded and you are just helping her.
  • Give the woman a sanitary piece of fabric, a towel or pad.
  • Make sure that anything that is discharged is not seen by the woman and keep it safe for the doctor to inspect.
  • Provide physical and emotional support to the woman and cover her with a blanket so that she is kept warm.

Relation to First Aid Training

Candidates enrolled in standard first aid and standard childcare first aid programs are taught to help manage the delivery of an infant. The complicated task of aiding an individual coping with a miscarriage is not covered in these programs.

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