First Aid Tips For Stings And Bites

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Stings and bites are in most cases caused by insects that we interact with on a daily basis like bees and hornets. The stings and bites do cause pain and swelling to the skin. There are also a number of people who are allergic to insect stings and bites. When one is bitten or stung by an insect, there are home remedies that can be easily followed for a quick treatment. However, medical attention can also be sought especially in a case of allergy to the sting venom or when one is not certain of the danger that the sting poses to him.

Signs and symptoms of insect stings and bites.

The visible signs of stings and bites are as a result of the injection of that particular insect into the person’s skin. It is the venom that causes pain, swelling and in some cases, triggers the allergic reaction. The severity of the sting hugely depends on the sensitivity of the bitten individual or whether he has been bitten a couple of times.

In most cases, the insect stings are mild and can be ignored as the little itches that they cause easily fade away in a couple of days, hours or less. When the reaction takes longer, one may develop a fever, swollen glands, hives or painful joints. These bites can cause both the immediate and delayed reactions from a single bite.

The numbers of people who get severe reactions from insect bites are quite few. However, one cannot take chances with these statistics as the allergic reaction can turn fatal if not addressed appropriately and on time. The main symptoms of severe reactions are;

  • Nausea
  • Facial swelling
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Abdominal pain
  • Shock

Treatment of insect stings bites.

For mild bite reactions, one will need to move to a safer ground so that he avoids getting more stings. He then should remove the stinger as in most cases it remains stuck to the skin. Removing the stinger also helps eliminate the chances of more sting venom getting into the body. Wash the bite area with water.

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Apply a cold pack to the bite. One can get ice cubes and put them in a clean piece of cloth. This is then used to apply mild pressure on the bite point. The ice pack will help numb the pain and reduce the swelling. Topical cream would also help with the pain and relieve the itch. Antihistamine could be taken to eliminate chances of allergic reactions.

Severe reactions.

Severe reaction means that the insect bite does not just affect the bite area and may spread pretty fast to other parts of the person’s body. It is such reactions that require alerting the emergency medical teams immediately. There are a number of signs and symptoms that signify that the sting is causing severe reactions. Among them are difficulty in breathing, nausea, dizziness, hives, sweating and confusion.

The treatment involved has great similarity the first aid applied in snake bites. One will have to check the individual for medications pertaining to any allergies. People prone to severe allergic reactions normally carry with them medications in the form of auto injectors. If available, then administer the drug as indicated on it.

The next step involves the loosening of the tight clothes that the person could be wearing. Then cover the person with a blanket to help them retain heat. It is important to note that no drinks should be given to the person.

Turn the person to his side so as to avoid cases of chocking, especially if the individual is vomiting. If signs of breathing and or proper air circulation are not evident, then CPR would be necessary.

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