Scalp folliculitis

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Scalp folliculitis is an inflammatory condition of the hair follicles in the scalp and it is caused by bacteria, virus, chemical irritants and fungus. The lesions of scalp folliculitis are filled with pus and cause severe itching and at the same time the hair follicles and frontal hairlines are affected. If left untreated, the condition can spread all over the scalp.

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Folliculitis involves the soreness of follicles of hair that is caused by infection on the hair follicles by bacteria. Scalp folliculitis can be caused by buildup of oil in the follicles of hair, lack of hair care, increased sweating and using harmful tonics on the hair. Scalp folliculitis is characterized by presence of red pimples found around the follicles of hair and it causes pain and itchiness. Staphylococcus bacteria can cause folliculitis in the scalp. People who are diabetic are more susceptible to end up with scalp folliculitis.

Common causes

Scalp folliculitis
Excessive perspiration, poor scalp hygiene, using chemical dyes and irritants can cause severe itching and scratching that eventually lead to scratches on the scalp.
  • Scalp folliculitis can be caused by pathogenic organisms that are found in the surface of the skin.
  • Fungal and viral organism such as Candida and herpes simplex can also cause infection of the scalp hair follicles.
  • There are organisms found on the surface of the skin that are harmless but when they enter the follicles of the hair under the skin caused by cuts and scratches, they become infectious.
  • Excessive perspiration, poor scalp hygiene, using chemical dyes and irritants can cause severe itching and scratching that eventually lead to scratches on the scalp and microorganisms can enter into the follicles and cause an infection.
  • Scalps folliculitis can be spread by sharing combs, hair brush, hats and other personal belongings of an infected person.

Common symptoms

  • Scalp folliculitis usually develops on the frontal hairline but sometimes it happens on the posterior area or all over the scalp.
  • Development of small lesions that are filled with pus with a hair in the center, pus and blood oozes out when pressed.
  • Scalp folliculitis causes severe pain and itching.
  • The affected person can suffer from loss of hair.
  • Lymph nodes found in the area of the neck becomes enlarged and tender when touched.


  • Maintain good hygiene for the skin to help with the proper healing of the lesions.
  • Wash the hair using a mild shampoo and use warm water in washing the hair. Avoid using hot water in order to minimize the production of oil and cause irritation of the infected follicles of hair.
  • Apply a warm compress on the affected area of the scalp to help with the condition.
  • Avoid using a sharp toothed comb and avoid digging the comb into the scalp.
  • Use anti-fungal shampoos since it helps lessen the itchiness of the scalp.
  • Maintain the normal blood sugar level if the affected person is diabetic.
  • Avoid sharing of personal belongings with others
  • Avoid using hair dyes if the scalp is susceptible to scalp folliculitis.
  • Rub the scalp using the fingers to promote an increase in the circulation of blood in the area and also helps in eliminating bacteria that are trapped inside the follicles of hair.

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