What to do for a toothache?

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Toothache or tooth pain can be caused when the nerve found in the tooth is irritated. There are several causes of pain in the tooth such as gum disease, dental infection, plague, injury, cracked teeth, improper placement of the tooth filling or crown and dental decay. Toothaches can be prevented by regular flossing and brushing.

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Toothaches develop due to inflammation of the central part of the tooth which is called the pulp which has nerve ending that are very sensitive to pain. Pulpitis or inflammation of the pulp can be due to trauma, dental cavities and infections.

Common symptoms of toothache

Pain that spreads to the jaw or ears.
  • Trauma or injury to the area
  • Pain with chewing
  • Bleeding or discharge around a tooth or gums
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold
  • Deep throbbing pain and sharp sudden pain
  • Pain that spreads to the jaw or ears
  • Pain that spreads to the shoulders, neck and head
  • Pain that is felt around a particular tooth
  • Pain that becomes severe by movement or exercises
  • Pain that is minimized using painkillers or a heating pad
  • Pain that becomes severe when chewing
  • Tooth or gums are tender when touched
  • Redness found around the gum line
  • The gums are bleeding
  • Pain that causes difficulty in sleeping
  • Swelling of the gums or jaws

Common causes of toothache

  • Exposed root of the tooth
  • Dental cavities
  • Injury or trauma
  • Cracked or broken tooth
  • Infections of the gum and tooth
  • Diseases of the gums
  • Abnormal bite
  • Dental abscesses
  • Grinding teeth and tooth eruptions

Treatment and home remedies for toothache

  • Take a prescribed pain medication to help relieve the pain caused by toothache. Take ibuprofen 200mg to relieve pain and swelling.
  • Soak a cotton ball in whiskey. Put the soaked cotton ball directly to the tooth that is aching and leave it there until all the whiskey comes out of the cotton ball.
  • Crush a clove of fresh garlic and put in inside a gauze and then press it down hard until the garlic oil comes out. Place the gauze on the tooth that is aching for at least for five minutes and then repeat the procedure an hour later.
  • Place a heating pad inside the mouth that is aching. When the heating pad reaches the hottest temperature, turn it down to medium setting and lay the head down on it.
  • Rinse the mouth using a mixture of warm water mixed with ½ teaspoon of salt. This helps minimize any inflammation of the gums.
  • Seek medical help if the symptoms still persists such as fever, pain in the jaw and earaches.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet for the overall health of the body and also dental health. Avoid consumption of sweets and sugary foods, junk food and over processed meals.
  • Eat varieties of fresh fruits and vegetables since these helps in supplying the body with vitamins and minerals that is needed for strong and healthy teeth.
  • Brush the teeth at least twice every day and regular flossing every meal helps in minimizing buildup of plague and keeps the gums strong.

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