Corns are hardened layers of the skin that develops on the toes and feet. A callus can develop when the skin becomes thick in a certain area and usually the area of the sole which bears the weight of the body caused by continuous pressure or friction.
[youtube url=””]A callus that happens on a pressure point such as near the joint of the toe or the top area of the toe is called a corn. Callus and corn causes pain when there is pressure placed on the nerves. Corns can develop due to friction, pressure, ill-fitting shoes and abnormalities in the structure of the bone. Corns look like red and inflamed areas of the skin.
- They are small, thick areas of hard and dead skin that usually develops on the toes or between the toes.
- A waxy and firm core that presses against the skin and puts strain on the nerves around the area.
- Tenderness below the skin
- Wearing ill-fitting shoes
They are small, thick areas of hard and dead skin that usually develops on the toes or between the toes. - Wearing shoes and sandals made of firm or rough materials
- Constant use of hand tools can damage the skin caused by friction. Any occupation that requires the hands to carry heavy or hard materials such as stones increases the risk of corns and calluses.
- Athletes can develop corns and calluses caused by putting excessive stress on some parts of the hands and feet.
- Corn and calluses can develop on abnormal structure of the bone due to constant pressure or friction.
- People suffering from scoliosis can cause an uneven weight placed on the feet.
- Bursitis can occur caused by inflammation of the bursae and these can become severe and can lead to the development of corn or calluses.
- Soak the affected foot in warm water and rub the corn using a pumice stone.
- Make a solution by mixing baking soda with warm water. Add 3 tablespoons of baking soda to the warm water and soak the foot inside to help with the removal of dead and hard skin on the foot.
- Create a paste by mixing baking soda with a few drops of water. Massage the foot using the paste in order to help remove the calluses.
- Apply cornstarch in areas between the toe in order to help remove moisture and prevent infections and prevent the condition from getting worse. Cornstarch helps in absorbing sweat and keeps the skin dry.
- Using vinegar also helps with the condition. Simply use a cotton ball and dip it in vinegar and rub it over the affected foot. Leave it overnight in order to exfoliate the area the next morning.
- Place a small piece of pineapple peel over the affected area of the foot and wrap it using a clean cloth around it. Perform this procedure every night for a week. Applying pineapple juice to the corn helps in softening the corn and calluses which makes the removal easier.