Remedies for mastitis

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Mastitis is described as an infection of the breast tissues, usually affecting breastfeeding women. It usually happens during the initial 3 months after delivery, but can also happen anytime during the breastfeeding period and only affects one breast.

It is due to a clogged milk duct and causing milk to accumulate in the breast and cause infection. The breast can also become infected when bacteria enters the breast through a crack or break on the nipple.

Symptoms of mastitis

  • Swelling breast
  • Breast is tender or warm when touched
  • General feeling ill or malaise
  • Continuous pain or burning sensations while breast-feeding
  • Skin turns reddened, usually a wedge-shape
  • Fever up to 101 F or higher


The breast can also become infected when bacteria enters the breast through a crack or break on the nipple.
  • Breast that is not completely empty at feedings, one of the milk ducts is clogged will result milk to back up and result to breast infection.
  • Bacteria present on the surface of the skin and on the mouth of the baby can enter the milk ducts through a crack or break on the skin of the nipple or through the opening of the milk duct


  • Take plenty of rest especially with the baby in bed to promote a healthy immune system. Feed the baby regularly by lying in bed and the same time relaxing in bed.
  • Maintain a regular feeding schedule for the baby through the infection to help unblock the milk duct. It also prevents making the stagnant milk becoming infected.
  • Massage the blocked breast to release the solidified milk ducts and alleviate the swelling.
  • Apply hot and cold compresses on the affected breast. Prepare a cold compress by placing some ice cubes in plastic bag. Prepare a hot compress by wrapping hot water bottle using a thin towel. Apply the hot compress in the affected breast for at least 15 minutes and then follow it up with the cold compress for around 5 minutes. This should be repeated 2-3 times every day. Heat increase blood circulation, lessen the swelling and proper flow of milk. Another alternative is taking a warm baths and showers before or after feeding the baby is also good for the condition.


  • Wear loose and comfortable clothing to avoid friction against the nipple.
  • Make sure the baby latches properly into the breast when feeding.
  • Nursing mother needs adequate rest and sleep to lessen the risk of infection.
  • Avoid using the breast as pacifier.
  • Avoid being stressed to prevent complications.

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