Treatment Of Severe Anxiety Disorders

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Self-help For Anxiety Disorders

  • Not everybody who worries a lot is considered to have an anxiety disorder.
  • You might be worried because of an excessively demanding agenda, lack of working-out or sleep, work-related pressure, or even from too much caffeine.

The bottom line is that if your daily routine is unhealthy and nerve-wracking, you’re more likely to feel nervous—irrespective of whether you have an anxiety disorder. So if you feel like you stress too much, take some time to assess how well you’re looking after yourself.

If your anxiety levels are through the roof, reflect about how you ease the pressure in your life.
If your anxiety levels are through the roof, reflect about how you ease the pressure in your life.
  • Do you take time each day for recreation and fun?
  • Are you receiving the emotional backing you need?
  • Are you looking after your body?
  • Are you weighed down with everyday jobs?
  • Do you ask for assistance when you need it?

If your anxiety levels are through the roof, reflect about how you ease the pressure in your life. There may be errands you can give up or give to others. If you’re feeling secluded or unsupported, find somebody you trust to open your heart to. Just chatting about your uncertainties can make them seem less scary.

Challenge Negative Thoughts

  • Write down your concerns. Keep a notebook and pencil on you, or type on a PC, tablet, or smartphone. When you experience nervousness, write down your fears. Writing down is tougher work than merely thinking them, so your bad thoughts are likely to vanish sooner.
  • Make an anxiety worry period. Select one or two 10 minute “worry periods” every day; time you can dedicate to anxiety. Throughout your worry period, think only on undesirable, concerned thoughts without trying to correct them. The remainder of the day, though, is free of anxiety. When worried feelings come into your head throughout the day, note them down and “delay” them to your worry period.
  • Accept doubt. Unluckily, distressing about all the things that could go wrong doesn’t make life any more foreseeable—it only keeps you from appreciating the great things in your life. Learn to take doubt and not require immediate answers to life’s complications.

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