How Verbal First Aid Is Conducted

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verbal first aid
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Imagine seeing a person hit by a running vehicle. What would be your first reaction? The most important thing you should do is to offer verbal first aid.  What is said to a person is just as important as what you do to him or her. It is important to ensure that the victim feel safe and assured that all will be well. The most powerful factor that contributes to proper healing the belief system. As a first aider, you must ensure that the victim of any emergency develops this system. This is done by use of mind body approach during the first aid process.

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Mind body approach in verbal first aid

The connection that exists between the mind and body is crucial to any successful verbal first aid.  The thoughts of a person are the ones that give rise to physical manifestations. The link between the body and mind is not a theory because studies show that words have a lot of influence to the activities of the autonomic nervous system, for instance, breathing rate and heart rate. Some of other examples that show that there exists a strong body mind connection are the placebo effect and doctor induced illness. Doctor induced illness occur, for instance, when the doctor tells you that some medications may have side effects and a patient goes on to perceive the effects even if they are not there. Placebo effect on the other hand is a situation where people believe that they are supposed to feel.

Parameters to Follow

In verbal first aid, there are some parameters that should be followed.

  • Reduce extraneous input, for instance, victim’s reactions.
  • Give some encouraging words to assure the victim that all will be well.
  • Do not give information on other things or issues.

Following the parameters will make cool the situation and prevent the victim from experiencing more pain because of injuries.


It is easy to learn verbal first aid as long as you remember the following principles.

  • Give the victim full attention and remember that the situation is not all about you. You are there to provide the assistance required. Ensure you take the victim to a safe place and show him or her you have a lot of interest in seeing him or her get well quickly.
  • Let the victim know that you understand him or her and the situation at hand. You must relay your empathy and sympathy. You should also not argue with a person belief system as you do the verbal healing. The best ways is to take the person to a healing state within the limits of his or her belief system.

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