How to manage lupus

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Lupus is a lingering inflammatory disease that happens when the immune system of the body attacks its own tissues and organs. Inflammations from lupus affects different systems of the body like the skin, joints, kidneys, blood cells, brain, heart and the lungs. If you will register for first aid training, you can learn ways to manage this condition.

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The most common symptom of lupus is rash on the face looks like the butterfly wings that unfold across both cheeks, but it does not occur in most cases of lupus.

Symptoms of lupus just appear suddenly or develop slowly, and it can be mild to severe, temporary or permanent. Some people suffering from this disease have episodes called flare ups where the signs and symptoms become worse and then improve or disappears completely for a time. Some common symptoms of lupus include the following:

  • Experiencing joint pain, stiffness and swelling
  • There is fatigue and fever
  • A butterfly-shaped rash can be found on the face that covers the cheeks and bridge of the nose
  • Lesions on the skin that is severe caused by sun exposure or photosensitivity
  • The toes and fingers becomes white or blue when exposed to cold during stressful periods which is also known as Raynaud’s phenomenon.
  • There is shortness of breath and chest pains
  • Experiencing headache, confusion and loss of memory
  • Experiencing dry eyes
Experiencing headache, confusion and loss of memory

Causes of lupus

  • An exposure to sunlight can cause lupus skin lesions or it can generate an internal response in susceptible people
  • If there is an infection, it can start a lupus or cause deterioration in some people.
  • Lupus can develop due to medications for anti-seizures, medications for blood pressure and some antibiotics.

Inflammation triggered by the condition can affect any part of the body like kidney failure which is one of the causes of death with people suffering from lupus. If the brain is already affected by lupus, the person can experience headaches, dizziness, behavioral changes, hallucinations and even seizures and stroke.

Lupus can also cause problems in the blood like anemia and an increased risk of blood clotting and bleeding. Lupus can also cause inflammation of the chest cavity lining also known as pleurisy which makes breathing painful. Additionally, lupus can cause inflammation of the muscle of the heart, arteries or heart membrane known as pericarditis

Treatment and home remedies

  • Visit the doctor regularly
  • Adequate rest is vital since people suffering from lupus experiences persistent fatigue that is different from a normal fatigue and it is relieved by rest. Get plenty of sleep at night and take naps or breaks during the day.
  • When outdoors, wear protective clothing like a hat, long-sleeved shirt and long pants and use sunscreen with SPF or sun protection factor of at least 55 every time when going out under the sun because ultraviolet light can start a flare up.
  • Exercise regularly in order to help recover from a flare since it will reduce the risk of having a heart attack, minimize depression and promote a general well-being.
  • Eat a healthy diet especially fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

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