M. Zilman

Mary Zilman is a registered nurse working part-time as an online contributor of first aid articles. With years of experience as an emergency nurse, Mary Zilman boasts a variety of knowledge and skills in the healthcare field. As an article writer, she provides a variety of first aid topics and other health-related issues in a simple and easy to understand manner. The articles that she provides are suitable for individuals of all ages whether at home, school or in the workplace.


A shock is a dangerous condition caused by insufficient blood flow in the body. Because of the lack of blood flow, critical organs such as the brain or lungs and the cells do not get receive oxygen and nutrients to properly function and may lead them to become damaged or cease functioning completely. Because of

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Heat exhaustion

Heat exhaustion is a condition where the body overheats due to prolonged exposure to heat. Numerous factors can contribute to heat exhaustion such as humidity and the intensity of the physical activities that you are doing. Heat exhaustion can turn life-threatening and lead to heat stroke if left untreated but can be prevented in different

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