How to treat forearm tendinitis

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Tendinitis involves inflammation or swelling of the tendon. The tendons are connective tissues that attaches muscles to bone. Forearm tendinitis is characterized by inflammation and swelling of the forearm. The condition is usually caused by overuse, injury, strain or tear and aging of the tendon.

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Symptoms of forearm tendinitis

  • Pain that happens when moving the affected limb
  • Mild swelling of the affected area
  • Tenderness with use and when pressing the affected tendon
  • Pain that can be described as a dull ache


Forearm tendinitis
Pain that happens when moving the affected limb
  • Jobs that requires squeezing and twisting movements or precision movements
  • Repetitive lifting of heavy objects or use of heavy tools


  • Take plenty of rest especially the affected tendon. Avoid performing sports or strenuous physical activity while the tendon is not yet fully healed. Avoid playing while in pain.
  • Perform low impact exercises such as swimming and some gentle stretches to maintain the strength of the muscle without placing plenty of stress or using them.
  • Apply an ice pack on the affected area for at least 20 minutes several times every day. Wrap ice pack in a towel before applying to the area to prevent frostbite and making the condition worse. Another alternative is to massage the area using ice to lessen the pain, spasms of muscles and swelling of the area. Freeze a plastic foam cup with water and hold the cup while massaging ice directly on the skin of the forearm. A bag of frozen vegetables such as peas can also be used for the condition.
  • Apply a compression wrap such as a compressive elastic bandage on the affected forearm to lessen the swelling. Avoid wrapping it too tight to prevent a disruption in the flow of blood in the area.
  • Elevate the affected forearm above the level of the heart to lessen the pain and swelling. Raise the affected area in a chair or on a stack of pillows.
  • Take over-the-counter pain medications or anti-inflammatory medications to lessen the pain and swelling for 5-7 days.

If the pain in the forearm still persists along with redness, swelling and loss of junction in the joint, seek medical help immediately. Seek the guidance of the physical therapist for some rehabilitation exercises such as stretching and strengthening exercises for the forearm muscles.


  • Always warm-up, stretch and cool down when exercising.
  • If training for weight lifting, avoid overusing the muscle if there is still pain from the previous workout. Recovery is needed for establishing strength and growth of the muscles.
  • Avoid activities that places excessive stress on the forearm



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