What are spider veins?

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Spider veins are similar to varicose veins. On the other hand, varicose veins are large-sized, elevated, inflamed blood vessels that have the distinctive twist and turn appearance and typically present in the legs. These can be readily seen on the skin surface.

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The spider veins are smaller in size, red, purple and blue in color that is also twisted and also visible on the skin surface. Take note that spider veins usually occur in the legs, chest and the face. There are several measures that you can perform to properly manage spider veins. If you want to learn more about this condition, click here.

Causes of spider veins

  • Hormone control during pregnancy, puberty and menopause
  • Can be caused by heredity which is passed by parents to a child
  • Using birth control pills
  • Occupations that requires long hours of standing
  • Being obese
  • Postmenopausal hormonal replacement
  • History of blood clots as well as conditions that cause an increase in pressure in the abdomen, tumors, constipation and even the use of girdles.
Spider veins
Take note that spider veins usually occur in the legs, chest and the face.

Symptoms of spider veins

  • Aching and cramping in the legs
  • Tiredness, throbbing, burning, heaviness or tingling can be felt in the legs
  • In women, the symptoms are worse during the menstrual cycle or during pregnancy.
  • There is swelling, presence of ulcers or large sores and an increase in the pigmentation and darkening color of the skin surface usually in the ankle area.
  • Sometimes the veins can form a sore blood clot that is accompanied by the swelling of the veins which is known as thrombophlebitis.

Home remedies of spider veins

  • Minimize eating junk foods and stick with a simple and nourishing diet that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables. Avoid eating fried and fatty foods. Junk foods have waste matter that accumulates in the body which causes the development of spider vein.
  • Encourage the individual to take a bath using cold water every morning upon getting up, then rub the body first with a cold and wet towel and then with a dry one in order to eliminate the spider veins in a natural way. This process will increase the circulation to the surface of the skin and also help make the spider veins disappear and maintain proper circulation.
  • Create a strong tea of white oak bark by mixing 2 tablespoons of dried bark in a pint of boiling water for 30 minutes. Strain it and apply over the affected area before going to bed at night.
  • Mix a teaspoon of hyssop in powdered form, yellow dock root and white cherry bark. Make sure that you will combine them carefully and add ½ teaspoon of the mixture ¼ cup of cold water. The individual should drink this solution with a glass of hot water as long as tolerated. This must be consumed four times a day an hour before a meal and before bedtime.

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